
upload file only works when form is sequential

kgriffin 06 Dec, 2020

Just upgraded to the new version of ChronoForms 7.

I have discovered that when uploading files, the only way it works is if the save is part of a sequential form. If you have the save as a page in a page group set to standalone or in a separate page group, with the submit button's "Submit Page" setting set accordingly, files do not get uploaded. I'm thinking this is a bug?
kgriffin 07 Dec, 2020
Okay. So to make upload file work when not a sequential form you need to use the upload action on submit.
Max_admin 08 Dec, 2020
yes, the upload works when sequential, that runs the form behaviors in the form settings, otherwise you need to call the upload action!
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jckant 10 Dec, 2020
Hey Max,

Since the last update for me files uploaded are not attached to emails when Multi Selections is activated. For single uploads it works well but if any events are added to the File field the file is not even uploaded.

Kind regards,

jckant 10 Dec, 2020
I should add that is the last case mentioned this only does not work if the file field is loaded Hidden and (one of) the events concern Hide and Show.
Max_admin 11 Dec, 2020
there is a bug with "multi file fields" not attached to emails in the last update yes, but it's not related to field events, could you please test that and let me know the case when it does not work with single files for you ?
ChronoForms developer...
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jckant 11 Dec, 2020
It works for single files in a very simple form. In a more complicated form however the problems related to events still exist; when I remove the events the problem is not solved; when after that I replace the file field by a new one it works again for single files.
Max_admin 12 Dec, 2020
there may be something else affecting this, I recommend that you try to get this issue in a new form and attach the form backup so that I can find the problem, or just email the form with the problem on the Contact page!
ChronoForms developer...
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jckant 19 Dec, 2020
Here is a setting in which it does not work properly. It only works if the first thing you do after opening the form is upload a file.[file=13625]Test_form_19_Dec_2020_16_11_43.cf7bak[/file]
Max_admin 20 Dec, 2020
I just tested the form, I make a dropdown selection then enter the email address then choose the file and send, the file is uploaded just fine, I enabled the form debug before testing.
ChronoForms developer...
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m.pradel 26 Feb, 2021
I have made severals test and could confirm, that the multi selection setting v7.0.7 is not working (debug info shows empty array).

One file is uploaded correctly but the behavior attach doesn't work, either.

Max_admin 27 Feb, 2021
try to disable ajax if you have ajax enabled ?
ChronoForms developer...
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m.pradel 01 Mar, 2021
After I disabled ajax everything works as expected.
Fredolino 05 Feb, 2023
"yes, the upload works when sequential, that runs the form behaviors in the form settings, otherwise you need to call the upload action!"

Unfortunately, the upload of images does not work for me and I have an "upload action" in the form.
And why should it only work "sequentially" and not also "standalone"? I don't understand the division and the reason for it.

JosHe 01 Oct, 2023
Where to disable ajax exactly?
Max_admin 02 Oct, 2023
Form > Settings > Behaviors > Interface > AJAX
ChronoForms developer...
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JosHe 02 Oct, 2023
Thanks Max.
It seems that the form didn't use Ajax, so this is not causing the absence of the file to be uploaded by my form. It only gives me the name of the file. The form is sequential and its a single file to be uploaded.
Max_admin 03 Oct, 2023
you have the file field upload behavior enabled and the "upload files" behavior enabled under the form settings tab ?
ChronoForms developer...
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JosHe 03 Oct, 2023
Thanks for your fast reply's Max.
Yes there is an upload file field in the form while "upload files" behavior is also enabled under form settings.
Apparently the upload directory was wrong so I changed it to the default .
Now the file is uploaded correctly but not attached to the mail which probably needs an additional command?
It currently looks like this without editor:

Max_admin 04 Oct, 2023
there is a behavior in the file field settings to attach the file to the email, did you enable that ?
ChronoForms developer...
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JosHe 04 Oct, 2023
Yes it was but after removing and adding it again this function became operational again, so the file is attached to the mail. GREAT!
Apparently this behavior should be the last one in the row. Originally I placed it before the validate behavior.

By the way, can I test out Chronoforms 8 while still using Chronoform 7, so can they exist next to each other without giving troubles?

Hi Max,

Can you please guide regarding the configuration to upload a file using FILE element and load it into the Database BLOB field?

Thanks !


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