I've try to add two forms with ajax submission on one Joomla page.
When I submit first form, the form is not sent, the contents replaced with the contents of the second form, with no error message does not appear.
All forms fields has a different names.
Here's an example: http://проспект-сервис.в-нижнем.рф/test
Help me, please!
Joomla 3.4.0
I confirm the bug.
To Max, here my explanation to the problem :
when using ajax submit. a function function chrono_ajax_submit(){ is created for all forms which have ajax submission.
when one submits the form then the first function is call.
if you are submitting the 2nd form the first function is called then replacing the content for the 2nd form with the result of the first form (even is their names are different).
Hope you will be able to fix it very quickly.
Best regards
May be more complicated than I thought.
I tried a CF core hack to make these functions uniques.
Even unique, it does not work.
Even if ajax_url is correct the result is always from the first form.
That's beyond myknowledge of ajax.
Hope Max will have time to fix it.
Best regards
Today the same problem occured at my site. I'm using two AJAX submitted chrono forms.
No identical field names/IDs, Greyhead said this may mess up form submission.
Using 5.0.10 on J3.4.3 now.
Unfortunately, the problem's still there.
First form works fine, but if I submit the second form, it will be replaced with the first form.
Any news on this bug?