
Autocomplete filed value with data from CBuilder Users table

veronique 09 Apr, 2014

I'm begginer with ChronoForms v5. I try to "load" data from current connected user in a forms to user not complete name and firstname for exemple. How I can get user id : by URL, other method ? In Designer tab, I don't now what syntaxe I must use to affect user table field in value attribute in form fields. In Setup tab I use "DB Read" tool but I don't really understand how it play.

Can you please help me.

Sorry for my approximative english, I'm french.

veronique 10 Apr, 2014
Thanks Bob.

Is DB Read action the same thing that DB Record Loader action ?

GreyHead 11 Apr, 2014
Hi veronique,

Yes I think so, I'm not very familiar with CFv5.

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