
Email Auto Template

John T 24 Apr, 2012
This is what I get when using the auto form template using the webmatrix install of Joomla 2.54 in windows 7. Ive tried it several times and I get the same thing each time, and as you can see the email code is missing.
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">

Also, I first tried using chronoform in Firefox I gave up and switched to Chrome to get this far.
Thanks John T.
crprashant 24 Apr, 2012
Hi John T,
Which version of Chrono forms did you install.
with regards,
John T 24 Apr, 2012
V4_RC3.2_J1.6 in Joomla 2.54
GreyHead 24 Apr, 2012
Hi John T,

Please upgrade to RC3.3 which has some bug-fixes, but that isn't the problem here.

What is your Form HTML? You can copy it from the Code tab or View Source in your browser.

The Autogenerator works OK in FireFox here.

John T 28 Apr, 2012
I apologize for taking so long to get back to this Bob. Thank you for your help, and you were right, it didn't help my problem going to the updated program. I'm not sure which part of the HTML that you want from the source code in the browser. The code appears to only be available within the program when using the easy form Wizard, and not the form Wizard which I used for this learning exercise.

I'm not a programmer so using Chronoforms appears to be the solution I've been looking for to develop a site that I want to develop. I realize that they did a complete revamp on this new version, and there will be bugs. I have no problem with that I'm willing to wait until most of them are worked out as I have a long way to go before I will be implementing the program. I biggest concern with Chronoform is the stability and reliability. I had trouble with the forms from the beginning, meaning this early learning stage. The site I'm plan will be quite large with multiple databases and tables. So you see the forms must be stable to deal with this. I really hope that I can get these problems worked out and that Chronoforms is everything that it appears today.

Frankly I don't know if any other program out there that would do the job without my having to go back and learn to program databases. I'm 69 years old and I don't learn as easily, nor do I remember as well as I did when I was younger. I'm looking for the easy button and Chronoforms appears to be it.

Any help that you can give me will be appreciated. I know that in some point in time I will need to purchase a subscription, and the e-book when it's updated to V4. However, I've got to be sure that Chronoforms is going to work as advertised and be a stable platform. I think you can see my problem here. It's really important to me that I can get this program to work correctly and be able to understand it. Could you be a little more specific as to which part of the code you need from the source code to the browser. The entire code is much too large paste here, (starting and stopping point copy.) Once again, my thanks for your help.

GreyHead 30 Apr, 2012
Hi John T,

ChronoForms is pretty stable. I've had very few problems in creating many forms. There are occasional problems with some special characters and quotes in some fields but that's about all.

You can see the Form HTML for any form by clcking the Form Name link in the Forms Manager and the the 'Code' tab.

John T 30 Apr, 2012
Here is the code I get after following the YouTube instructions up to and including the auto generate template. (Simple YouTube Instructions at
<div class="ccms_form_element cfdiv_text" id="autoID-a23bc1a60e1277c7555fa286feb02a29_container_div"><label>Name</label><input maxlength="150" size="30" class="" title="" type="text" value="" name="input_text_0" />
<div class="clear"></div><div id="error-message-input_text_0"></div></div><div class="ccms_form_element cfdiv_submit" id="autoID-5026f863e1f1e7f2c9ae4316177f35ea_container_div"><input name="input_submit_1" class="" value="Submit" type="submit" />
<div class="clear"></div><div id="error-message-input_submit_1"></div></div>

GreyHead 30 Apr, 2012
Hi John,

There's no Email input code here either so it looks as though the template is correct.

Please take a Form Backup using the icon in the Forms Manager and post it here (as a zipped file) or PM or email it to me and I'll take a closer look.

John T 30 Apr, 2012
Here is the zip file you requested
GreyHead 30 Apr, 2012
Hi John,

Thanks for the file but it's not what I need.

In the Forms Manager, please check the box by your form name, then click the Backup Forms icon in the Toolbar and send me the resulting form.


John T 30 Apr, 2012
Sorry I thought That I did that Here is the form backup.
GreyHead 30 Apr, 2012
Hi JohnT,

Great, thank you. As you can see from the image there is no Email element in your form so the template is correct. Drag another Text Box in and set it up for the Email.

John T 30 Apr, 2012
Thank you once again Bob. I installed a new copy of Joomla!, and downloaded another copy of chronoform. I still had the same problem,- however,- when I put the second text box in. . . this time I selected the e-mail validation check box in the options box and it worked.

I know that I looked at that video three or four times on YouTube and it didn't show this step. Nevertheless, I'm going to go look at it again. I'm sure this is going to be a long learning process, especially if I keep goofing up like this. I'm glad you're there, thanks.

GreyHead 30 Apr, 2012
Hi John T,

You are quite correct. The 'First Form' video is deliberately very simple and does only have one input and the submit button.

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