Hello all,
I have my registration form set up and updating the appropriate tables. Users must validate their registration before login and an email is sent with the activation code just fine. However, I would like to send a follow up email (welcome email) after a user activates their account.
Any Ideas??
Hi Samoht,
You can do this by using a custom Verification Link that points to one of the Extra Code boxes for your form. You need to add the code in there to verify the link; enable the user and send the email.
Alternatively you could have the link point to a second ChronoForm with just a 'Confirm' button - that way you can use the ChronoForms mailer to send the message.
Hey Bob,
Thanks for this response but I didn't quite understand it.
I have the Joomla set up to require activation. I noticed that jos_users does not have a date activated field only an activation field that stores some md5 hash if the user has not followed the activation URL sent to them via email.
So I can I trigger an event on activation and use chronoforms to mail a response?
Will I need to create another table that stores the date of the response and the user_id so I can see who the responses have been sent to?
Hi samoht,
It sounds as if you are almost there.
You can either store your own verification codes or use the Joomla! ones.
When you get a result from a verification link you parse the URL to get the values; check that the code matches one that is waiting verification then set the user to Unblocked.
It's hard to write much more without getting deep into the code.
Thanks again for the reply,
I need a bit more unfortunately.
1. How do I create a custom verification link?
Once I get that nailed down I should be able to do the rest (hopefully)
Hey Bob,
If I am still using chronoforms V. 3 - where would I put the code to create activation URL?
I assume that by using the Joomla core registration and setting it to require activation - my chronoform triggers com_user and creates the activation URL and then sends out the email. So if I want to do this with a custom activation I need to not use com_user right?
If that is right - I suppose I should turn OFF the Joomla core "Require Activation" setting. And then use my chronoform registration form to email the user?
Hi samoht,
The code would go in one of he OnSubmit boxes.
You would still use com_user - you ae just replacing the Joomla! verification step.
You still want Require Activation on - just that you are going to do the check and update the user profile when you have checked.
Well, I fixed the issue of not updating the DB so now the two forms are working the way I want - with the one exception that I am still sending out 2 activation emails?
I tried disabling the email on the registration form - but it still sends out two emails??
I'm very close though.
I am sorry for jumping in on the thread, but I have the same problem. My Joomla Registrations are sending 2 activation emails. One does not have an activation link in it. I am using Version 3.
Thank you,
BTW...The email verification plugin is not turned on.
I am very sorry for the multiple posts. I have in the joomla registration plugin set to :
E-mail the User? "Yes, From custom email 1"
I still need help with this.
If I choose "E-mail the User? to "no", I only receive 1 email, but the "activation link" {vlink} is not activated in the email.
If I Choose "Yes, (From custom email 1)" then I get 2 emails. Still stuck!
Hi mcarbone,
Please go to the Email Setup | Properties box and disable the email i.e set Enabled to 'No'.
The enable the Email from the Joomla! Registration Plug-in.
I think this will do what you need.
Hi mcarbone ,
I can't tell much from the front-end (and I'm not clear where the form is anyhow).
By all means email or PM me the site URL and a SuperAdmin login and I'll take a quick look.