
Chronoforms not picking validation messages

schlogo 24 Apr, 2011

I m trying to customize the error messages used during validation. I am specifying the fields to be validated and customizing the messages. It still shows the default messages , not mine :-/
GreyHead 25 Apr, 2011
Hi schlogo,

It looks as though you have to add custom messages in the Element Title box.

Max_admin 29 Apr, 2011
Hi schlogo,

I am specifying the fields to be validated and customizing the messages.

how are you specifying the fields and how do you customize the messages ? please explain!🙂

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
schlogo 30 Apr, 2011
I think i ve misunderstood the way error messages are used , i thought they were meant to appear in the black bubble showing up when a field does not validate, they actually appear at the top of the form in red (first try was custom form so i did not see them). And the title of the field is what shows up in the black bubble. ?

If i am right, i does not make much sense to me . By default, an error message shows up, why call this title ?

Another question. I don t have autovalidation in the events, but the validation of the fields still occurs... is normal ?

Max_admin 01 May, 2011
Hi schlogo,

Please post a screenshot for your "Events" tab to check the validation issue.

Messages in black bubble are JS validation but those in red are "Server side" validations, so they are different types of validation, the server side one should work in all cases but requires the form to be submitted first.

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
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