
empty Email and a little bug?

HorstG 14 Apr, 2011
i use joomla 1.6 and ChronoForms J1.6 (4.0 RC1.7)

The following problem. I have created a form on the easy wizard that I will show up in the front end. Filling, Captcha query works well and so properly. The mail is sent and you receive the thank you page.
Unfortunately, in the sent mail, no content, so the admin gets a blank e-mail!
Why might that be?

can create After the Easy Wizard so you opened by clicking on the name of the form of this in the Edit view. There is the code tab, if I add there own later this code is stored and displayed.
I open the form in the Wizard and save it from self-inserted the code is gone!
HorstG 14 Apr, 2011

i use joomla 1.6 and ChronoForms J1.6 (4.0 RC1.7)

The following problem. I have created a form on the easy wizard that I will show up in the front end. Filling, Captcha query works well and so properly. The mail is sent and you receive the thank you page.
Unfortunately, in the sent mail, no content, so the admin gets a blank e-mail!
Why might that be?

Ok Sorry! I understand the system now!
But it is very difficult to understand all this if you have not worked with Chrono Forms!
It is also not useful in the easy wizard to have no function in email templates to insert the one allowed.
Only after switching to wizard I could see this and understand!

The Bug is realy!
Max_admin 15 Apr, 2011
Hello Horst,

In V4 there is no auto email template is created, you just need to enter the email template you need, that's all.

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
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