
radio buttons mess up format

cjmicro 26 Jan, 2011
I have a form with a bunch of radio button choices. When you just click one, it all seems fine, but if you change your mind and choose another one, it makes the formatting jump all over the place.

I realize this is probably not a cf issue but i don't know where else to turn.

I think it has to do with styling css but have spent forever trying to figure it out. If anyone can help that would be much appreciated!

Max_admin 27 Jan, 2011
Hi Cheryl,

Works fine for me on FF and Chrome!

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
cjmicro 27 Jan, 2011
Thanks for checking Max. After a lot of messing around I figured out if I make the padding on the areas bigger it doesn't seem to do that.

GreyHead 30 Jan, 2011
Hi Cheryl,

I think we've seen this before. There's a little bug in the validation code that adds a <span> </span> when boxes are clicked. This usually doesn't show unless you have the radio buttons or checkboxes close together.

cjmicro 31 Jan, 2011
Hi Bob, thanks for the info, at least I know I'm not totally crazy!

Is there any way to remove that code or fix the bug? Putting in the padding works but spaces things out a bit farther than I'd like.


GreyHead 31 Jan, 2011
Hi Cheryl,

If you look a the page source you can see the validation span (edited version here):
<td width="50%">
  <p style="">
    <input type="radio" name="num_" class="validate-one-required LV_valid_field">
    Full Conference $270
  <span class=" LV_validation_message LV_valid"> </span>
There are two potential problems.

The first is that the span is outside the <p></p> tags so falls on a new line. Removing the <p> tags would probably fix this.

The second is the space inside the span. Right now I can't see where this is set :-( I've found the most obvious place but changing it has no effect. If changing the <p> tags doesn't work then I can look at this again.

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