
Community Builder Plugin help (please)

rodsdesign 24 Jan, 2011

I'm trying to set up a situation where a logged in user can add more users - register them, and added to community builder.

I'm grabbing the logged in user's details from CB (successfully), then posting them to the new person's cb profile (unsuccessful) trying to use the cb plugin.

the values are passing properly - i can echo them to the screen after submit - but nothing is added to CB.

is there a better tutorial? (I purchased the book - but it only covers joomla registration - and the issue is that the person entering the "affiliates" is already registered...)

any guidance would be helpful - thanks - Rod
GreyHead 30 Jan, 2011
Hi Rod,

Neither Max or I are CB users I'm afraid.

I've done this with Joomla! OK (allowing one user to create another) but I think I had to copy the code out of the Joomla! Registration plug-in and edit it to get it to work OK. With Joomla! you need to make sure that you edit the new user data and not the currently logged in users data. I imagine that the same thing is true with CB.

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