
Some problems

Tom Bollah 19 Feb, 2010
Hi the forum,

[list]Since one week, I try hopeless to mail a form and to put the fields in a table. The emails column in the forms manager is set on enable 0 - disable 1.
Three screencaptures should perhaps help to tell me what is going wrong.[/list]

[list]Is it possible to remove the space between the title and the formfields?[/list]
[list]How can I enforce the user to select only on checkbox?[/list]

Thanks for your advises.


GreyHead 19 Feb, 2010
Hi Tom,

Please see Email tutorial from the Tutorials link above.

You need to have the Email enabled in the Email Setup Properties box and Send Emails set to Yes on the form General tab.

Tom Bollah 20 Feb, 2010
Hi the forum, Hi the thread,

[list]I followed the advises and it looks a little bit better, emails are now enabled.
After sending the form, I receive now an error message: "connection to smtp-host impossible" (see picture). For information, a contact-form generated with is sent without problem.
Could some people tell me where I have to define the smtp-host in the Chronoforms parameters?[/list]

[list]I have also an other new problem.
I removed the captcha from the form but I receive still a message:" 1. You have entered an incorrect verification code at the bottom of the form." Do I have to do something special to remove the captcha?[/list]

Have a nice weekend

[attachment=0]error smtp-host.PNG[/attachment]
GreyHead 20 Feb, 2010
Hi Tom,

The error message is becaue there is no mail service set up for your site.

You also need to set 'Use imageverifiation' to 'No' on the 'Anti-Spam' tab for your form.

Tom Bollah 20 Feb, 2010
Hi Bob,

Thanks for all your advices. I have really appreciate.
The form runs fine and the result is posted in my mailbox.
But the associated table remains still empty.
I join three picture; they describe the settings and the problem better than a long text

A last detail. I can't remove the space between the title and the fields (see picture in the first post of the threads).


GreyHead 20 Feb, 2010
Hi Tom,


Tom Bollah 20 Feb, 2010
Hi Bob,

The requested file is in attachment
I hope you'll find a solution.


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