
ChronoForms | multi language form | missing translation

macjaguar 04 Nov, 2009
Hi all!

I've got a form using ChronoForms multi language plugin V3.1 RC5.2 for joom!fish 2.0.4 on Joomla! 1.5.14

please look at:

The website and one form is available for following languages: de-DE, en-GB,fr-FR,it-IT - default de-DE
It worked well for DE, FR, IT but when selecting EN following message ocours instead of the form:

There is no form with this name or may be the form is unpublished, Please check the form and the url and the form management

plugins activated, emails enabled, published, following multi language settings:

Any hints for this???
GreyHead 04 Nov, 2009
Hi macjaguar,

I think it's something to do with the SEF URL or maybe the JoomFish translation. If you go to the full form address index.php?option=com_chronocontact&chronoformname=AnmeldungMember&lang=en the the translation is working OK.

You do have to be a little careful with the translations as they are done with a search and replace so any instance of e.g. 'Anmeldung' in the form html will be replaced. I don't think that is the problem here but it was my first thought. It may cause problems with the gender values though !

medaacek 20 Feb, 2010
Form fields translation works flawlessly but how should I translate the content of the form? There is no "Mulit language" plugnin in connectivity but connectivity is the one that shows the data in the front end - is there any solution for this or link to joomfish?

Thanks a lot!!!
medaacek 20 Feb, 2010
Thank Tom, I do nt understand french but from the video I would understand everything. But I know how to do thid but how to translate the user data?

Let say you have a drop-down selection with countries and the user in Czech types in "Ceska Republika" and sends the form that saves the "Ceska Republika" string into the database.

Let say somebody in England looks at the site and users detailes but insted of "Ceska Republika" he would need to see the english translation "Czech Republic"

I think this cannot be difficult as it works similar in "Community Builder" where you can set up your own translation files in the plugin/language folders...

Any help will be very appreciated!
Tom Bollah 20 Feb, 2010

There is no problem to have the items of a combobox in the language selected by the user.
You only have to respect the languages sequence in Chronoforms as being the same than in Joomfish.
I put an example in attachment (the first picture is in French; the second in Dutch)


medaacek 20 Feb, 2010
Thanks a lot Tom,

it is still not exactly what I need - this all is fine but one the user sends the data (no matter in what language), they get stored in the database table. When you show the data in frontend by using ChronoConnectivity you only see what the user inserted so when user put the data from English version, you will see "Czech Republic", if the user put the data from the Czech version of the ite, you will se "Česká Republika" no matter in which language you are now looking at the data in Frontend. But that is what I really need - when the people look at the frontend data in English version, I need them to see the english translation of the database table, when they look at the data fro the Czech verion of the web, I need them to see the Czech translation.

This is not about translation the ChronoForm field but about translation of the content that the user put in those fileds and save...
GreyHead 20 Feb, 2010
Hi medaacek,

There's nothing built-in to ChronoForms that will translate user input. It's possible with some back-end coding if you have a limited range of results e.g. for drop-downs, checkboxes and radio buttons.

For test-box or text area input I've no idea how you'd start out.

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