
How to place an edit link at module

bubblesugar 23 Jun, 2009

2 questions.

I am using Joomla 1.5 with CF and CC.

Created a CF form, integrated with Joomla registration. I have also connected the form to CC. My question is the user who logged in can view a link to edit the form he/she entered during registration at module (Under Member login).

Besides, I have problem granting permission to the user who logging in. The person who logging in can edit other user profile too. The permission I have assigned was followed the solution in this forum.

<table style="text-align: left; width: 100%;" border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
    <tr<?php if ($i % 2) echo ' style="background-color: #EBEBEB;"';?>>
      <td style="width: 10%;"><?php if($i->cf_user_id == $loggeduser->id){ ?>{edit_record} <?php } ?>{text_fullname}</td>
      <td style="width: 10%;">{register_date}</td>
<?php $i++ ?>

Am i doing anything wrong?
Max_admin 23 Jun, 2009

please show me the $i and the $loggeduser variables values, I don't know what they are!

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
bubblesugar 24 Jun, 2009

i have another problem here. Initially, the form was created and working. I not sure why it suddenly stopped working. After the form was filled up and click submit, it prompted 403 forbidden error. I searched this forum, and found some users also faced this problem but not actual solution was found. I suspected the problem is from Joomla registration plugin. The screen shot below is my joomla registration plugin setting. Please help me.

[attachment=0]joomla registration.PNG[/attachment]
samoht 24 Jun, 2009
Hi Bubblesugar,

I was getting the 403 error using the Joomla Reg plugin as well. I believe that my problem was from updating the cf component and not uninstalling the older version.

Regarding the other problem - I am not sure I understand why you have a loop to edit the record? You are just trying to create an edit user form correct?
bubblesugar 24 Jun, 2009
Hi samoht,

Thanks for your reply.

I use the latest version of cf which had been downloaded few days ago without updating or re-installing. I not sure why the error 403 occurred. How did you fix the problem?

my PHP programing is very poor, I just copied it from the forum. I would like the user to only allow to edit his/her own record. How can I achieve that?
samoht 24 Jun, 2009
That is pretty simple but there are several different ways.

An easy method (and one that I have implemented) is to create an "edit" form.
At the top of the Form HTML check for the user id
$user =& JFactory::getUser();
$uid = $user->id;

Then write a sql statement to retrieve the user info from the database and populate the form with that info.
(this is an example)
global $mainframe;

$database =& JFactory::getDBO();
$database->setQuery( '
SELECT first_name, last_name, user_email, title, address_1, city, state, country, zip
FROM jos_vm_user_info a
WHERE a.user_id = '.$uid.'

then just make sure your save button UPDATES the correct table/s.
I or someone else can help you with the php once you have your forms inplace.

I don't think you need to use "Connectivity" to do what you are looking for.
samoht 24 Jun, 2009

I did notice that you have "text_email" down as the field value for both the username and the email in your plugin - is that what you wanted?
bubblesugar 25 Jun, 2009
Hi samoht,

text_email will be the username to access Joomla.

I don't think you need to use "Connectivity" to do what you are looking for.

Do you mean CF can allow the person who filled up the form to edit it at the later stage? How?
Max_admin 25 Jun, 2009

I believe the 403 here is because you have the frontend user registration setting in Joomla global config as OFF and you have the option to override it set to No as well, your screenshot looks like its not from RC5.1 as well!

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
bubblesugar 25 Jun, 2009
Hi Max,

The 403 error has been fixed, thanks. I cross checked the version of CF, indeed it is 3.1 RC5.1. I checked it under Install/Uninstall > Components area.

I am able to register as a user. My question is how do I edit the form data under "User Menu" > "Your Details". I tried to configure profile plugin but no avail. Should i use back the same form or need to create a new form for edit purposes? As my current form has linked to Joomla registration plugin, can the same form connect to two plugins? Below is the setting of my profile plugin. I have "email" at both jos_users and chronoform contact tables.


Everytime I saved these setting and come back later, the values changed.

samoht 25 Jun, 2009
Hello Bubblesugar,


how do I edit the form data under "User Menu" > "Your Details".

Joomla has a default form on this page - so if you want to set up your own "Your Details" form so users can edit there details you are going to have to change the menu link in Joomla to point to your cf Form (or perhaps your Connectivity - but If I am not mistaken Connectivity is for the admin backend not the user front end?)


Do you mean CF can allow the person who filled up the form to edit it at the later stage? How?

Yes, but instead of editing the same form they used to register with - they edit their details with a cf Form you make for that purpose. The previous post I show you an example of how to get this form started so that it populates your fields with info from the database.

Max or Bob can tell you better if "Connectivity" is what you want, but I see a solution using cf alone.
bubblesugar 25 Jun, 2009
Hi samoht,

Very appreciate your replies.

The example you shown me in the previous post is for Connectivity? I found it too complicated for me so I decided to use cf to do it. Can you guide me through? Really appreciate your helps.
Max_admin 26 Jun, 2009
Hello Bubblesugar,

the target field name should preferably have a unique field, I don't suggest editing the users table as well because if its not done well then it may break something!

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
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