
multi-part joomla registration form based on user input

rodsdesign 31 Oct, 2008
Hi guys,
I know you're working on this for the next version - and if its coming in the next few days - great - otherwise...

pursuant to this topic:

I need the last issue resolved. I've tried Javascript, php ... lol - i'm at a loss.

Ideally -
the main form registers the person in joomla.
the second part of the form shows up if the person is over 13 and inserts their email address in the table row that was generated by the first part of the form. (chronoforms table - not jos_user) -
then an email is generate with all the data and sent ...

right now - 2 rows are inserted into the form. one with all the info, then a blank one with just the answer to the newsletter question.

can I pay to get this fixed please?🙂

I appreciate you guys!

Max_admin 31 Oct, 2008
Hi Rod,

you can send me a login to your website admin and I will do this for you, we can discuss any more details in the PM too!

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
rodsdesign 03 Nov, 2008
Hi Max,

did you get my PM?
Max_admin 03 Nov, 2008
Hi Rod, yes, work under progress, I was off work this weekend!

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
rodsdesign 04 Nov, 2008
Hey Max,

thanks... you mean you take time off on the weekends??? wow... I gotta try that!! LOL (kidding)

thanks for your help!

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