Hi Max,
Thanks for your response. Inline display is working, but Store is not. Here is my Front end error message:
Warning: fopen(file:///Volumes/B7 Media Drive/Sites/ja_stark_j5/components/com_chronoforms8/PDF/test.pdf): Failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /Volumes/B7 Media Drive/Sites/ja_stark_j5/administrator/components/com_chronoforms8/libs/tcpdf/include/tcpdf_static.php on line 1811TCPDF ERROR: Unable to create output file: /Volumes/B7 Media Drive/Sites/ja_stark_j5/components/com_chronoforms8/PDF/test.pdf
I looked, and tcpdf_static.php is in the location specified. I created that PDF directory that you see above, but I'd rather have it in my images directory. I don't know how to change the file path to outside the com_chronoforms path.
Also, when I try to follow the rest of the tutorial, when I drop the "Email" action under the tcpdf action, it just bounces back and will not drag to the "Load" tab.
Lastly, I inadvertently installed the Chronoforms 7 TCPDF version. Then I realized my error, and installed the Chonoforms 8 version. Will that just overwrite the 7 version? Or is there a way to uninstall the 7 version then install the 8 version?