
CF7 table list limit results, multiple pages

mayergreenberg259 01 Mar, 2024
I am using the table list in cf7 to display rows of a database table.
My problem is that all the results show up in 1 long html page, even if there are many, lets say 100, results.
I would like the results to be broken down into easy segments, such as 20 per page, with chronoforms providing the link to the next page to get the next 20 results.
Is there a way to do that in chronoforms 7?
Max_admin 07 Mar, 2024
you do this in the "Read data" settings, enable the "Limit" and "Paging" behaviors
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
mayergreenberg259 08 Mar, 2024
I'm having trouble figuring out how to use them. The Limit by default limits the number of rows to 30. How do I make buttons to page to the next set of 30? Does it have something to do with the 'Add Paging reset field'?
mayergreenberg259 07 Apr, 2024
Can someone answer my last question. 

I understand how to limit the number of results - that is by using the  "Limit & Offset" behavior under "Advanced Settings".

But how can I get buttons somewhere on the page to navigate to the next set of results?

I believe it has something to do with the 'Paging' behavior. But I cant figure out how to do it.
darkarturo 23 Jun, 2024

Did you manage to solve the problem? I also have the same problem. By the way mayergreenberg259, is there any way I can contact you, Facebook? msn or whatsapp? I need to ask you some things please

mayergreenberg259 23 Jun, 2024

I did not manage to solve the problem yet

Do you have any ideas?

darkarturo 25d ago

No, I have no idea, have you solved something? Because I also need to solve that urgently

Fredolino 17d ago

Hello, do you want a paginator under your table, on the pages? For example, you have set the limit to 30 and now you want to go to page 2, where the records in the table are 31 to... etc. In the VIEW, under Page Blocks, there is the Paginator option.


darkarturo 17d ago

Indeed... you are very right... now I can page my data normally. I was looking for a way to do it... Thank you, I would like to ask you many things... more... /

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