
Editable table with Chronoforms 8 - joomla v.4.x

BrunoPigi 08 Feb, 2024
I'm unable to create an editable table with Chronoforms 8. Are there any examples available to understand how to create a table that reads a database and is editable by clicking on a field?
Max_admin 11 Feb, 2024
creating a table to list db table records is easy with the "Table view", but making records editable requires that you setup another form to read the target record and save the data, this is not yet automated in v8
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
BrunoPigi 11 Feb, 2024
I should follow a technique similar to the one used with ChronoForms v5, creating a table and a form to read the record. But in C5, there was the option to connect the two modules, and I don't understand how it can be done with C8.

Could you provide me with a small example, even with 3 fields of an editable table?
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