In CC6 I could edit records directly in the table list.
This worked with a loop and save data in the action area.
I am now trying to recreate this with CF7. But unfortunately that doesn't work. Why is that? Or is it another BUG that will never be fixed?
Here's my example:
Name: save_kat_nr_loop
Data provider: {data:kat_nr}
Action: Update
Save Data-Name: update_kat_nr
Target Table: DB-table
Model: HA_kat_nr
Data Source:
kat_nr value: {var:save_kat_nr_loop.row}
use Value update
Where condition
ID = {var:save_kat_nr_loop.key}
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
I'm excited!
There is a problem after installing packages6.
Big CC6 forms are also opened but the tabs Events, Views, Functions.. are opened after many minutes. In Firefox, the browser stops loading in the backend. And in the Edge browser, the waiting message has to be clicked away for a few minutes.
Why does CC6 take so long to load?
No other users have reported this issue, and I could not reproduce it, how many views/functions do you have in that connection ?
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
Hi Max
I have been a message sent for testing.
I recreated it with CC7 but why doesn't it work?
If someone found a solution and posts it here that would be very good.
We have the same problem with the big CC6 connections taking very long to open. The more events/views/functions it has the slower it gets.
For example we have some connections with 10+ events, 40+ views, 30+ functions that takes over 5 minutes to open. We first noticed this on Joomla3 last year, but it seems the same thing happens in Joomla4 (PHP8.1) as well.
We can send a copy of our connection if that helps.
Yes, in our backend the "big" form in CC6 opened more slowly than all the other forms. But at least it still worked and it was possible to work with it.
After the package update, it only opens after many minutes and only if you see the "Wait?" message in the browser. clicks.
The form in question has:
event: 23
Views: 134
Function: 123
Are you having issues with all the "events" disappearing after saving? It happens to us when we have too many "events" in the connection.
We have to change the SQL "events" column's data type from "text" to "longtext" to fix this bug.
Hi @wbuk,
we don't have this problem. If at some point the form opens after many minutes, then everything can be edited in the backend. unfortunately you cannot work with CC6 in Joomla 4 and PHP 8 in this way.
Has anyone actually worked with a loop in CC7? In CC6 the loop was in the action area with save data. Now it doesn't work anymore. Does a loop now have to be in the view area? Nobody an idea?
We have used a Loop in the Action area (Connectivity mode), but we didn't use the Save Data block. We used a PHP block and it works fine.
What are you trying to achieve and what errors are you getting?
Your Save Data's Action is "Insert New Record", but your Data Source's Action is "Update".
If you're inserting a new row, you can't "update" the data column.
I'm not sure why "Deutschland" will be an array? When looping, there should only be one "Deutschland" data for every row.
Try a PHP block and echo your variables to see if it's empty or not.