
Cannot enable email addresses

UHU 06 Sep, 2008

I cannot enable email addresses. The option is not accessible in Mozilla because the bottom part of the menu is hidden.
I can access it in internet explorer though. However the the enable email Yes option is just not available.
I set email results to yes in the main tab though.

In the setup Emails tab
I set
a from email
a to email
a subject

I don't know what else to do?

Please help,

Max_admin 06 Sep, 2008
Hi Laura,

you will need from name before you are bale to enable the "yes", check our downloads area for tutorials!


ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
toastguy 16 Sep, 2008
Admin, you didn't understand the question. This is the same problem that I'm having. You cannot ENABLE because the Toolbar does not display properly! What UHU didn't mention, was the problem is happening using:

FireFox 3
Using CF 1.5 Beta 2

Here's the the work around:
Click on field "HTML" under Email Format so you can TAB to the Enable field under(even though you can't see it). Press the RIGHT or LEFT arrow (i forgot which one) on your keyboard to toggle to "yes" .... now you need to Press TAB one more time to APPLY, press your SPACE BAR to submit then SAVE your changes.

It's a annoying, but it works.

P.S. Don't forget to APPLY or else your changes won't take effect. Note, there is a little bit a delay time when as the Toolbar tries to reposition itself off the page. You can scroll down a little and see your change to Enable for a split second.
mymode 17 Sep, 2008
Hi, I believe that I'm facing the same problem here...😟 Can you please explain more on the workaround on this? Another question is will the form be displayed correctly in opera browser?

Thanks for your assistance.
toastguy 17 Sep, 2008
Hey mymode,

The work around is to navigate and modify the options ChronoForm gives you by navigating using Tab, and selecting the options you can't see using your keyboard's Arrow key and Space to select. It's not that difficult, if you're unfamiliar with navigating using Tab then I suggest some using "computer 101" classes, this is very straight forward stuff...

I'm just presenting a idea that you might not have thought of right away. As far as displaying in Opera, I would assume so... All we're talking about here is when you create for FORM in the Backend. This topic is about using the backend functionality of CF.
Max_admin 17 Sep, 2008
Hi all,

I will release a new V3.0 stable in a few hours, please check it and this issue should be fixed, if there are any problems then please report it and I will fix immediately.


ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
UHU 17 Sep, 2008
Great! That sounds exciting.
And yes it was not displayed properly in firefox 3
jswebdesign 17 Sep, 2008
Enabeling an E-mailadres is only possible after you have added enough labels
Max_admin 17 Sep, 2008
V3.0 stable was released today, this HTML layout issue should be fixed, please let me know if there are any issues with it still ?
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
moreiter 21 Sep, 2008
I have just installed the latest Version ChronoForms V3.0 Stable, but can't enable E-Mail.
The form field under the tab Setup Emails -- Email Properties is grey and inactive.

So the workaround described above isn't possible ether.

Emails under "General" is set to yes.

moreiter 22 Sep, 2008
thx. i missed the "from name" field ... 😶
SuzieAma 08 Jul, 2010
I recently installed Chronoforms (June 2010) and I encountered the same problem. When setting up the emails for the form, the Enabled drop down menu defaults to No and is grayed out, preventing one from enabling it.

This is easy to work around with the Firefox Web Developer Toolbar: Once this Firefox extension is installed and you've restarted Firefox, return to the Setup Emails tab of the Chrono Forms Component in the Joomla administrative backend. From the Forms menu of the Firefox Web Developer Toolbar, choose Convert Select Elements to Text Inputs. This converts the menu to a text field, and you now have access to the field. In the field associated with Enabled, replace the 0 with a 1. Then save your form.

The Chrono folks might want to fix this, though. Looks like the problem has been around awhile.
GreyHead 08 Jul, 2010
Hi SuzieAma,

If the drop-down is greyed out then ChronoForms thinks that the settings are wrong. You can work round it as you suggest but there's a risk that your emails will fail.

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