chronoform seems to be a dificult piece of Software
the recaptcha does also not work. I tried the nocpatcha which I'm using with some other Extension without any Problem.
Chronoforms reports * The ReCAPTCHA wasn't entered correctly. Pllease try it again
I've tried also with noCaptcha (JSNUNiform works perfect with it) but not so Chronoform
I Forget to say, that this error message appears, with the demo nocaptcha form, provided with the component
the recaptcha does also not work. I tried the nocpatcha which I'm using with some other Extension without any Problem.
Chronoforms reports * The ReCAPTCHA wasn't entered correctly. Pllease try it again
I've tried also with noCaptcha (JSNUNiform works perfect with it) but not so Chronoform
I Forget to say, that this error message appears, with the demo nocaptcha form, provided with the component