
Need some assistance with MultiPage form

mat63 10 Jul, 2015

I'm currently setting a multipage form and i have created a 6 page form. I have done the event part and the "next page" buttons are working pretty well.

However when submitting the form on the last page i get an array error and only get the data from the last page (nothing from the previous pages).

Before i go further in debugging is there something special to do to get the data from all the pages when submitting or something i should be aware of ?
GreyHead 10 Jul, 2015
Hi mat63,

Have you added Multi Page actions to each event - they should be the first action in each event unless you have a Files Upload action which needs to go before the Multi Page action.

mat63 10 Jul, 2015
You rock !

My MultiPage event was not in first position for the "On Submit" event. This problem is solved (hope i won't have some other😛)

Thanks Bob you saved me much time
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