
Can't drag and drop any element into DB Read(on Found)event

anil_admin 07 Jul, 2015
I have Drag DB Read then i want to drag and drop item from menu ,then it can't properly drag into on found event of DB Read.
It goes to Not Found.
GreyHead 07 Jul, 2015
Hi anil_admin,

I can't reproduce this problem. When the black border round the On Found event is shown the actions drop in there.

I suggest that you drop an event loop - or show stopper action into the On Not_found event then put the events you want to run on success after the DB Read action.

anil_admin 07 Jul, 2015
Actually i had Add new Event and then i have to add DB Read .Is any Limit to Add new events and read the data. Whenever i have to drag any element into DB Read (on Found )Event ,it goes down into Not Found event.
As you said earlier i had used Show stopper ,but then also it goes down not found.
GreyHead 07 Jul, 2015
Hi anil_admin,

But you want the Show Stopper in the Not Found . . .

anil_admin 07 Jul, 2015
But No one element is drag into on found.So how to drag Show stopper into on found.
GreyHead 07 Jul, 2015
HI anil_admin,

For the third time - you want the Show Stopper in the Not Found event. You can leave the Found event empty.

anil_admin 08 Jul, 2015
Hello sir,

The problem cannot be solved , please suggest me another way.

GreyHead 08 Jul, 2015
Hi anil_admin,

I've given you a solution and you said that it worked - hard to know what else to suggest.

By all means PM me the site URL, the form name, and a SuperAdmin login and I'll take a quick look.

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