
File file 'clear'

jj135 05 Jul, 2015

When I put a file upload field on a form, is it possible for a user to select a file and the clear this selection when they change their mind and do not want to upload a file? Or do they need to clear the whole form?

Kind regards, Jip
GreyHead 05 Jul, 2015
Hi Jip,

This probably depends on the browser they use. In Chrome I can click Choose File again, then Cancel and that removes the selection.

jj135 05 Jul, 2015
Ok, I'll check what different browsers do... I use FF. Maybe a JS code on a textlink 'clear file' could also clear this field?
GreyHead 05 Jul, 2015
Hi Jip,

Not tested but Google found this code that looks hopeful.

jj135 05 Jul, 2015
I'll try that. Thanks!
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