
Validation, tabs and datepicker not working

jmwilska 09 Jun, 2015

The validation, tabs and datepicker are not working on my forms. I think there's a conflict with Chronoforms and the Maximenu CK module because if I disable the Maximenu CK module the forms work. I tried jQuery Easy with multiple settings but no luck.
Any idea what's wrong?

You can check the site (not officially published yet) and one of the forms here:

p.s. I'll validate Chronoforms after the site is published.
GreyHead 09 Jun, 2015
Hi jmwlska,

You are correct, you have a JavaScript error on the page from the FancyMaxiMenu - the error is showing in this line.
var default_left = Math.round(el.position().left) + parseInt(el.css('marginLeft'));

If you fix that then all should be well with the form.

jmwilska 10 Jun, 2015
Fixed it and now everything works!

Thank you.
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