
Multiple departments

amorino 05 Jun, 2015
Hello dear friends,

I have 5 departments to contact
Every department has it's list of recipients emails and specific fields

Will it be possible to have a radio button or adynamic-dropdown so it shows the specific form

For example when user chooses Maintenance department he will see a list of fields specifics for that department and Emails will be sent to the Maintenance members

Best regards
GreyHead 05 Jun, 2015
Hi Amorino,

The simplest way to handle this is probably to use separate forms. Have one 'master' form with the department selector and a submit button; when this submits check the value and redirect to the appropriate form.

It would also be possible to do this in a single form using separate containers for each department and showing/hiding containers depending on the selection. That would work but is more complicated to set up than the method above.

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