
Howto call JS validation

fasenderos 29 May, 2015
In my form I have many buttons to make some stuff, but only one submit the form. By now the JS validation work only when the form is submitted, I want to add the same (effect/style) of the default js validation also when the other buttons are clicked for ex:

$('#my-button').click(function() {
     if ($('#my-input').val() == ' ') {
     //use the JS validation 'input can't ne empty'

GreyHead 29 May, 2015
Hi fasenderos,

I'm not clear - do you want:
+ the validation to be run when this button is clicked?
+ to add validation to this input?
+ add matching tool-tips using your own validation code?

I don't know how to do any of these but it might be possible to work it out from the CF validation code


PS Your code is checking for a space, not an empty input.
fasenderos 29 May, 2015
Hi bob,

PS Your code is checking for a space, not an empty input.

I wrote this code from my smartphone🙂

I'll try to explain.
This is my scenario:

<input type="text" id="test" value="" class="validate['required']">

<input type="button" id="first-button" value="Add">
<input type="submit" id="second-button" value="Submit">

By now if the Submit button is clicked the default JS validation Scroll Up to the field and a Tooltip say "This field is required".

I need to add the same validation (in terms of effect and style) also if the Add button is clicked, maybe by calling the chronoforms API with something like this:

$('#first-button').click(function() {
     if ($('#test').val() == '') {
     //Use the Chronoforms API to validate this field as required so Scrool Up to the field and add the Tooltip that says "This field is required"

but it might be possible to work it out from the CF validation code

I know, but It may look different from the one used by CF
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