Hello Bob.
Sorry for not answering such a long time, but I have had other problems and now I have to come back to this issue again.
Perhaps I explained not correct what I want to do? I will try again more precisely.
I have a form that sends the content to a ticket system. This ticket system can sort the ticket with the help of Custom Mail Headers.
For example, if I add
$mailer =& JFactory::getMailer();
$mailer->AddCustomHeader("X-OTRS-Queue: NameOfTheQueue");
this email will put in the Queue NameOfTheQueue.
I like to use Chronoforms email action, but I didn’t know how to put in the Custom Mail Header.
I set up a little test form with only one field. I send this form and I see in the debug, that there are many other informations (to, subject, from name ...).
[4] => Array
[Email] => Array
[0] => An email with the details below was sent successfully:
[1] => To:test@webb.de
[2] => Subject:Test
[3] => From name:Test
[4] => From email:
[5] => CC:
[6] => BCC:
[7] => Reply name:
[8] => Reply email:
[9] => Attachments:
[10] => Body:
<tr><td>Custom Code</td><td></td></tr>
<tr><td>Textarea Label</td><td>Test</td></tr>
</table><br /><br />IP: ::1
How is it possible to use the Custom Header X-OTRS-Queue with the Chronoforms email action?
I understand that I have to use a Custom Code action. What do I have to put in this Custom Code action exactly?
Thank you very much for your help.