
Paypal payment processor VS PayPal actions ultimate

BNRBranding 11 May, 2015
I've set up the Paypal trial payment processor action and I am using a credit card I know will be declined for the size transaction I am testing. When the form is submitted, the event loop action is triggered but no error messages are displayed indication what the error is. When I turn on the debugging I get the labels, but no errors like this -

The PayPal API has returned an error!
Correlation ID:	
Error Number:	
Short Message:	
Long Message:

The URL string being sent is displayed above and looks correct. Is the PayPal actions ultimate payment processor different? It seems like the error message and related info are not being reported properly.
Max_admin 13 May, 2015
Please post a screenshot for your setup!
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
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