
Edit user's info in frontend

nams09 11 Apr, 2015

I'm building a website where the global administrator will only access from the frontend. The problem is he needs to be able to change the information of registered users such as the user group and also activate them, but I can't give him access to the joomla user manager in the backend.

I have a form where the users register and it adds them to the Registered users group by default, but some of the users will be Administrators, so the global administrator should be able to change their user group. Is it possible to create this sort of user manager with Chronoconnectivity?
GreyHead 11 Apr, 2015
Hi nams09,

You can do this with a ChronoForm using Custom Code actions to change groups. ChronoConnectivity would let you show a list of users that you could then connect to the form to do the editing.

nams09 11 Apr, 2015
Ok...I already have a connection showing the list of users, and I would like to show the groups they're assigned to, could you please tell me how I can get started? I'm sorry, I'm kind of a newbie, do you think it'd be too difficult for me?
GreyHead 15 Apr, 2015
Hi nams09,

I think that you could probably do this using a PHP row. You can get a list of user ids for a user with
$user = JFactory::getUser('user_id');
$groups = $user->groups;
You then have the problem of converting this array of group ids into a more meaningful list of group names.

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