how can I make all checkboxes to be checked in a checkbox group where I have more than one?
Hi guillome,
I'm sorry, I don't understand the question - please give some more detail. When do you want this to happen?
I mean there are 3 options to check in a checkbox group and I would like to check if all of them are checked or not. This for legal purposes, for examle
- I agree that I read the disclaimer
- I agree that I would like to be added on to the mailing list
- etc.
If I set validation required, only one is required, not all of them. How can I force all of them to be checked?
Hi guillome,
Use three separate Checkbox elements - or you could add your own validation.
thanks. I would prefer to add my own validation. Can you point out how to do that?
Hi guillome,
There's a custom validation box in the Checkbox Group Validation tab where you can add the name of a JavaScript function that will be called to do the validation - the function should return 'true' or 'false'
Thanks. Do you have any sample script as that function?
Thanks, but it only talks about text boxes and no checkboxes. Any other sample that addresses the checkbox validation?
Hi guillome,
Sorry, no - I don't remember that being requested before. As I said, it's simpler to use three separate checkboxes.