
Definitions for fields used in element setup?

StuckInForms 31 Mar, 2015
Can anyone provide a link to an explanation of how the entries in the field elements are used in ChronoForms?
I've searched all over the forum but can't find it. Maybe it's somewhere else. In any case, your help in defining how these are used would be most helpful to new users like me.

1. Field Name - appears to be the field name internally and is used on the database table column (if created) right? Wrong?
2. Field ID - How is this used?
3. Field Value - How is this used?
4. Placeholder - this appears to be an example or field info that is for display only and does not get stored or used otherwise. Right? Wrong?
5. Style - how is this used?

Thanks for your help!
GreyHead 31 Mar, 2015
Hi StuckInForms,

1. Field Name - appears to be the field name internally and is used on the database table column (if created) right? Wrong?
This is a standard HTML attribute and is used to identify form inputs (and sometimes other elements). Unlike the ID the name is not required to be unique and sometimes more than one input with the same name is used (e.g. with a radio button group where all the buttons have the same name but different IDs). If there is more than one form element with the same name with a value set then only the last one will be sent when the form is submitted. Internally ChronoForms uses the name as the primary data identifier. It will be used as the database column name (though the column name can be edited) and is used in Email templates and many other places.

2. Field ID - How is this used?
The ID is a standard HTML attribute - it should uniquely identify this element in the page (not just the form). It is mainly used in CSS and in JavaScript as an element selector/identifier. In more recent versions of HTML it is replacing 'name'.

3. Field Value - How is this used?
This is a preset value for the input - unlike the Placeholder below this will be kept when the form is submitted.

4. Placeholder - this appears to be an example or field info that is for display only and does not get stored or used otherwise. Right? Wrong?
Yes - it's a label that appears 'in' the input box and is ignored when the form is submitted unless it has been replaced by the user.

5. Style - how is this used?
Used to add specific CSS to this input. Generally better to add it to a Load CSS action in the form On Load tab.

StuckInForms 31 Mar, 2015
HI Bob,
Your support is exemplary and I can't say how much it is appreciated. This level of help for a new user gives me confidence that this is the best solution for forms I've found for one thing and better yet, it's far more versatile than what has been my standard for that sort of thing in the past.
Again, kudos for the excellent and thorough explanation of each field. Now I've got a complete understanding of the elements.
Best regards,
StuckInForms 31 Mar, 2015
BTW, your greyhead site is really responding very slowly, I bought you a beer but the site took forever to complete connecting and buying that beer. It's slower than old man MacDonnough down at the corner pub. I got it done as my way of saying "Thanks" for your help... but you're probably missing some beers!
GreyHead 31 Mar, 2015
Hi StuckInForms,

Thank you, it is long overdue for a rebuild and update ;-( Maybe in April

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