
Multiplier Save - DB

ashleya 16 Mar, 2015
So i've read through server threads and still having issues saving to database using multiplier. I created a multiplier container and set the replacer to __N__ and used the following format for field name : textfname[__N__] and field id textfname__N__. I am using a multifield element. I am able to save all things to database expect the multiple fields. Please see screen shots and help or thoughts appreciated.
Max_admin 16 Mar, 2015
In order to save the multiplier fields, you must have a model added to your fields names:

Then under the "db save", set "Multi save" to yes, and "save under model id" to yes.

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
GreyHead 16 Mar, 2015
Hi ashleya,

Please see this FAQ which may help you see the structure of the data.

ashleya 17 Mar, 2015
so i changed the field name only for example.. Model[__N__]ddacsize and set the properties and recreated the table but now nothing is saving to database.

In order to save the multiplier fields, you must have a model added to your fields names:


Then under the "db save", set "Multi save" to yes, and "save under model id" to yes.


GreyHead 17 Mar, 2015
Hi ashleya,

I think you missed the second [] in: Model[__N__][ddacsize]

Max_admin 26 Mar, 2015

i changed the model name to Model[__N__][textfname] for all the multiplier fields. Multi Save = Yes; Save Under Model ID = Yes Model ID = Data
But nothing is saving to the database.

Since the "Model id" is set to "Data" in the "db save" then your fields names should be in this format:

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
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