
Chrono Connectivity - filtering by a range of results

David-E 15 Mar, 2015
Hi Max,

In Chrono Connectivity v5 is it possible to filter by a range of results, ideally I would like to have a select box for minimum (number) and another select select box for maximum (number) and then return all the results in between?
Max_admin 16 Mar, 2015
Hi Edworthy,

Just use this code in your conditions box after you do the necessary adjustments to the Mode, field, min and max:

return array("Model.field >=" => \GCore\Libs\Request::data("min"), "Model.field <=" => \GCore\Libs\Request::data("max"));

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
David-E 17 Mar, 2015
Thanks Max,

If I understand this correctly it will filter the results when the connection is made. Is it possible to filter by a range of results after the connection is made?

I would like to show all entries when they first open the connection and then have the option to filter using minimum and maximum select boxes or input boxes similar to fltr[Model][field].
Max_admin 17 Mar, 2015
Well, Just put the whole code inside an if statement:

//return your conditions here
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
David-E 19 Mar, 2015
Hi Max,

Are you able to give me a short example?

I have my Display type set to Custom.

Do I need to put this:

return array("Model.field >=" => \GCore\Libs\Request::data("pricemin"), "Model.field <=" => \GCore\Libs\Request::data("pricemax"));
inside the Header code area?

How would I define the search text inputs for this? Currently they are set in the header as:

<b>Search:</b><input type="text" name="srch" />
<b>Price Min:</b><input type="text" name="pricemin" />
<b>Price Max:</b><input type="text" name="pricemax" />
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Search" />

Do I also need to add the Model.field I am searching to the Searchable area in the Settings tab?

What would I need to put inside the body code to display the results?

Sorry for all the questions.
Max_admin 19 Mar, 2015
Your fields code should go in the "header" section, and the first code chunk should go in the "Conditions" box under "models", just make sure it has a starting php tag first: <?php

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
David-E 19 Mar, 2015
Thanks Max, it worked.

But now I have run into another challenge, my Model.field is JSON encoded and it has a value for price, eg:


Would there be a way of returning all the results between minimum and maximum values from the JSON encoded data within Model.field ?

Here is a related post that Bob assisted me in getting my JSON encoded data into columns:
Max_admin 19 Mar, 2015
If the value is part of a string (JSON string) inside a field then I have no idea how to make this comparison, you usually use the full field value for comparison.

If you can move all your encoded parameters into a new table (multiple fields) with a foreign key pointing to the main table then you can setup a "hasOne" relation and get it to work.

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
ak613 16 Jul, 2015
Hi Max,

I'm using
return array("view_Docs.DATEIN >=" => \GCore\Libs\Request::data("datemin");}
return array("view_Docs.DATEIN <=" => \GCore\Libs\Request::data("datemax"));}

to filter by a range of results. However, nothing happens when I fill in the datemin or datemax fields and submit. (The fields code is actually in the footer.) I'm wondering if this has to do with the fact that the field I'm comparing to (view_Docs.DATEIN) is a timestamp in the database. Is there a way to fix this?
Also, in terms of the timestamp in general, I would like to display the column of dates in a different format than the timestamp (e.g. m-d-Y intstead of Y-m-d h:i:s). How do I do that?

ak613 21 Jul, 2015
I figured out how to display the timestamp as a standard date, but can someone please help me with how to filter with a range of dates??


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