
clear button

chrissy6930 15 Mar, 2015
hi all,

I have added a filter with a static select list to my list of entries and would now like to add a clear button to it.

this is my code so far:
<select name="fltr[Entries][type]" id="fltr[Entries][type]">
  <option value='0' ><?php echo JText::_('OPTION0'); ?></option>
  <option value='1' ><?php echo JText::_('OPTION1'); ?></option>
  <option value='2' ><?php echo JText::_('OPTION2'); ?></option>
<input type='submit' name='filter' id='filter' value='Filter' />
 <input type='button' name='clear' id='clear' value='Clear' />

could somebody pls advice how to get the clear button to work pls? I suppose I need some JS...

best regards
Max_admin 15 Mar, 2015
Hi Gabriela,

If you have an empty option and the user selects it then the filter should be cleared.

If you want to do this automatically using a button then you still need to add an empty value and reset the dropdown when the button is clicked, or try a link to the connection and add this to the url:


Which should have the same effect!

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
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