
Form not found or is not published

pete 06 Mar, 2015
Hi from a first timer with Joomla, ChronForms and this forum !

I have created a simple contact form based on the "demo-basic-contact-captcha" demo file.

It is initialed from a menu
The form seems to work perfectly handling basic field checks and successfully emailing sender and recipient.

The only issues I have is that is says "Form not found or is not published" on loading and "Form not found or is not published" on the "Thank you!".

I have tried searching and can find no solutions that work. The debug option shows no errors.

Any suggestions greatfully received!

Max_admin 06 Mar, 2015
Hi Pete,

Please post a screenshot for your "Setup" section.

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
GreyHead 06 Mar, 2015
Hi Pete,

What is the URL that shows on the Thank You page?

pete 06 Mar, 2015
Hi Bob, I am redoing the reply as it does not seem to have appeared.

The URL is
Currently it is behind a userid and password.

Hi Max...

hopefully its here
[attachment=0]Screenshot from 2015-03-06 15:53:51.png[/attachment]

GreyHead 06 Mar, 2015
Hi Pete,

The Form Setup looks good to me. The URL does not - the problem is most likely that the SEF URL is preventing the form from submitting.

Please try setting Relative URL to No in the form HTML (Render Form) action in the Setup tab and see if that fixes the problem.

pete 06 Mar, 2015
Hi Bob...

It already is set to No.
I found that somewhere reference else.

GreyHead 06 Mar, 2015
Hi Pete,

Are you using an SEF Component like sh404SEF?

pete 06 Mar, 2015
Hi Bob
I don't know what an SEF component is. How would I know.
Max_admin 06 Mar, 2015
Hi Pete,

Please post a screenshot for the form with the "not found" message.

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
pete 06 Mar, 2015
[attachment=0]Screenshot from 2015-03-06 17:50:27.png[/attachment]

[attachment=1]Screenshot from 2015-03-06 17:53:25.png[/attachment]
Max_admin 06 Mar, 2015
Do you have a Chronoforms module installed on the site ? if yes then please disable it!
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
pete 06 Mar, 2015
That fixed it although I don't understand the technicalities.
What is the menu item actually using?
Can I delete the module from the modules manager?
Many thanks...
Max_admin 06 Mar, 2015
Hi Pete,

Yes you can delete the module.

You can display content in Joomla under a menu item or inside a module, and since you have a menu then you don't need the module, which was not configured correctly anyway and hence the "form not found" message.

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
pete 06 Mar, 2015
OK, that makes sense.

Many thanks to you all for the help.

Now I need to do a bit more self education!! LOL

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