
Override Joomla Registration

momentis 26 Feb, 2015
In CFv4, the Joomla Registration action gave us the ability to override the default Joomla registration. CFv5 does not provide that option. I have a form I am porting from CFv4 to CFv5, giving registered users the ability to add other registered users. Without that option, I get a 403 error as soon as I submit the form on the front-end, likely because I have the "Allow New User Registration" setting set to "No". This worked fine under CFv4, but under CFv5 it throws an error. I need to have "Allow New User Registration" set to "Yes" to avoid the 403 error.

I can certainly hide the "Register..." link on the Login page using CSS, but I am wondering if there is a workaround in CFv5 to perform like CFv4 did.

GreyHead 03 Mar, 2015
Hi Rick,

I don’t know how Max has this action set up and haven't used the CFv5 version. I wondered if a template over-ride for the default action might do what you need?

momentis 03 Mar, 2015
Thanks, Bob. Hopefully Max will be able to help!!

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