The chronoform wiki specifies that and tags should be removed from any custom HTML or your form will probably not work correctly so i am not sure how to do this. Any ideas?Best RegardsShane Dempsey"> How is the class field of the form element edited - Forums


How is the class field of the form element edited

sdemps 22 Feb, 2015

I need to edit the class field of the form element. Specifically I want to use dropzone.js (

So for example :

<form action="/file-upload"



The chronoform wiki specifies that <form . . . > and </form> tags should be removed from any custom HTML or your form will probably not work correctly so i am not sure how to do this. Any ideas?

Best Regards

Shane Dempsey
GreyHead 22 Feb, 2015
Hi Shane,

You can add a Class to the <form> tag directly in the HTML (Render Form) action. I was able to get the front-end of dropzoen to work by doing that, putting the dropzone js and css files into the /components/com_chronoforms5/extras/dropzone folder and adding this in a Custom Code action in the On Load event of the form:
$jdoc = JFactory::getDocument();
But, so far, while I can see that files appear to be being uploaded I haven't been able to get ChronoForms to locate them.

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