I have a form that displays input fields used by an event manager to sign-up individuals for an event. At the top of the form is a dropdown that selects the event to which to add the Attendee. Below the form a list is displayed of the current members who have previously signed-up. I use the CF fltr[Model][field] method and Session Actions to successfully display the correct event list after the submit, and it displays the added Attendee as expected. Also, depending on who the event manager is and their access rights, only certain events are loaded into the event list dropdown. The default dropdown select value is not know ahead of time.
[attachment=0]SignUp Form.PNG[/attachment]
What I would like to be able to do is have the CC Connection list updated when the dropdown is selected, not just after the submit when the Attendee is added. I have looked at trying to use Ajax and a new CF Setup Event, but I am having trouble figuring out how to get that to work. I currently have JavaScript that updates the related fltr[Model][field] value when the event dropdown selection changes used with the submit. That JavaScript could be used to make an Ajax call. I am not an expert on Ajax, but have looked at how one can do this from a JavaScript perspective. Since the <div> containing the Connection list does not have a name or an id, and I see no way of adding one in CF, the JavaScript Ajax innerHtml approach does not seem possible. I could initiate a submit, but I need to avoid the insert of a new record, and would probably need another <form> to do that properly. Again, not sure of how to get that to work.
Any suggestions on the best approach to getting this done?
[attachment=0]SignUp Form.PNG[/attachment]
What I would like to be able to do is have the CC Connection list updated when the dropdown is selected, not just after the submit when the Attendee is added. I have looked at trying to use Ajax and a new CF Setup Event, but I am having trouble figuring out how to get that to work. I currently have JavaScript that updates the related fltr[Model][field] value when the event dropdown selection changes used with the submit. That JavaScript could be used to make an Ajax call. I am not an expert on Ajax, but have looked at how one can do this from a JavaScript perspective. Since the <div> containing the Connection list does not have a name or an id, and I see no way of adding one in CF, the JavaScript Ajax innerHtml approach does not seem possible. I could initiate a submit, but I need to avoid the insert of a new record, and would probably need another <form> to do that properly. Again, not sure of how to get that to work.
Any suggestions on the best approach to getting this done?