
If yes, please specify...

ebbstar 17 Feb, 2015

So I've got this radio group in the form.

Are you a member?
Yes / No (required field)

IF the user selects Yes, I need the form to make it compulsory that the user specifies the next 2 text fields

Organization [ ]
Position [ ]

Those 2 fields dependent on "Yes" do not have to be super fancy and appear only if Yes is selected, I just need to be able to make these 2 fields compulsory if "Yes" was selected.

Does anyone have an idea of how to do this quick and dirty please?

Thanks much!

GreyHead 17 Feb, 2015
Hi ebbstar,

I think that using JavaScript to add or remove the validation classes will do it in Cfv5 but not in CFv4.

I thought we had a FAQ on doing this in CFv4 with the FormCheck register and dispose methods but I haven't yet found it :-(

Ah - found an example here.

ebbstar 17 Feb, 2015
Hey Bob

Thanks for the help, will check it out but seems very complex OMG
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