
Form tabs navigation

Jachtaas 16 Feb, 2015
Hi All,

I am using 3 tabs in my form. I made it with a tutorial and the demoform and it looks fine. Because it is a big form with many fields this was the best sollution (it is a form to register yourself (Person) your car (Mustang) and the rental procedure (Rental)
so it is a container with 3 cointainers. the last one is with a submit button.

I want the first two tabs (TAb Person and tab Mustang) with a navigation (3th is also fine), so the user can go to the next tab.
I found this tutorial:
so i:
- add the line to the file (on tabs.js, also line 66)
- (had the container with 3 containers) added the custom fields with the tab code and new values (also tested it in demo)
- add the Load javascript before the HTML on setup

but it does not work. not with my form and not with the chronoforms demoform. maybe because i have v5? Here is a link to the form without the buttons:

can somebody hand me a sollution to have a 'next' button to my tabbed form?

hope to hear something!
Max_admin 18 Feb, 2015
Please use the following code in a "Load JS" action in the "on load" event, you will have to replace the different ids in the code:

	$('#button_id').on('click', function(){

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
teldrive 21 Apr, 2015
Hi Max
i have tried this code in tabbed-form-demo but it doesn't work
 $('#button1').on('click', function(){

also i tried workaround with linked text
<a href="#chronoform-container-2" data-toggle="tab">back</a>
( data-g-toggle didn't work)
but the form toggles collapsed
Let me know if i am missing something
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