data['Article[title]'] ); ?> If I change the name of the input for ex Articletitle (without square brackets) a code like this works fine: $form->data['Articletitle'] ); ?> Thanks"> Edit Form $form->data['Model ID'] don't work - Forums


Edit Form $form->data['Model ID'] don't work

fasenderos 14 Feb, 2015
I have followed this article to create an edit form to be called by an Edit link in a ChronoConnectivity listing.
Everything works fine, data are loaded correctly from database but according to the article linked above "All of the input names should be array names using the Model ID, e.g. Article[title]".
The problem is that in the "DB Read Conditions", this code don't work:

  return array( 'parent' => $form->data['Article[title]'] );

If I change the name of the input for ex
(without square brackets) a code like this works fine:

  return array( 'parent' => $form->data['Articletitle'] );

fasenderos 14 Feb, 2015
Solved with

  return array( 'parent' => $form->data['Article']['title'] );
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