
Adding Log-in Form

c5web 10 Feb, 2015
This is less of a forums question I guess and more of an amateur question about getting a log in associated on the forums menu.
What is the process of setting the log in form to give permission to the forum? Is it best to use ChronoForms to build the log in form?I
I guess I have a forum ready and working in public view so I could figure out how to set up everything in the forum, now I don't know how to make it all private...
Sorry, totally embarrassing to post, because I'm sure it's a pretty lame question- but this is the first time with a forum and want to get it right from the beginning...
I doubt this is even necessary, but here's the forum with the few folders I've made public for testing purposes.
Max_admin 10 Feb, 2015
Hi c5web,

Just go to the permissions area and set the "Access/display" section to be allowed for only "Registered" group (and super users)

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
c5web 10 Feb, 2015
I understand that part. I guess what I'm asking is how do I build a registration form that so a user can register and/or log in for access to the forum.
GreyHead 10 Feb, 2015
Hi c5web,

The simplest solution is to set up a new Joomla! User Group for forum users and se the standard Joomla! registration form (I think you can set up that to add users to a specific group). If you want something more customised then you can build a custom registration form in ChronoForms

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