
unique page for each form entry

allanbeth 06 Feb, 2015
hi all,

I would like to know how difficult it would be to have my form generate a new menu and page assoiated with the submitted information.

at the moment, when a user fills out the form to add a new item to the system it add the info to a db table (all working fine) when another user searches through the records, the results are displayed on a form which pulls the data into the form via SQL Query.

What i want is that each new record added has a unique page of its own.

is this possible?

kind regards

GreyHead 06 Feb, 2015
Hi allan,

You can easily show results using URLs with a record id in them. I've no idea if you could automatically add menu items - probably you could write new records in Joomla! menus table(s).

The most straightforward way to do this might be to use the Submit Article action in ChronoForms and create each submission as an article. Then you can use all the Joomla! articles structure to manage the display and access.

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