
need to create a list of submissions

dadoonan 03 Feb, 2015
I have a form built that successfully gathers information and emails a notification.

What I need to complete this project is the ability for the site administrators to see a list of all the submissions AND the ability to edit the individual submissions.

The only new menu option for Chronoforms is to display a blank form. Is there a workaround for this?

Is there a way force all submissions into a specific Joomla-based Category?

GreyHead 03 Feb, 2015
Hi David,

The *usual* way to do this is to save the submissions to a database table - then use ChronoConnectivity to show a list with View/Edit links.

You can save the submissions as articles and set the category but I'm not sure this will solve your problem.

dadoonan 03 Feb, 2015
Using the Joomla Category Manager I've created a new Category, with an ID of 23.

Under the chronoforms setup, I've added a Joomla article and set it's Category ID field to 23.

New records are being written to the db in the standard content table with the correct catid of 23, but the rest of the fields are blank. Not sure if this is the correct direction.

dadoonan 03 Feb, 2015
Thanks GreyHead. I'll take a look at ChronoConnectivity.

GreyHead 03 Feb, 2015
Hi David,

I'm not sure either.

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