
How to add information with Flexicontent

GreyHead 26 Jan, 2015
Hi mfe13260,

No idea - what is Flexicontent? It may have a class that you can access - or sometimes the Menu ID will do what you need.

mfe13260 26 Jan, 2015
Hi Bob,

Flexicontent is CCK for Joomla. Articles are not supported by Joomla content but Flexicontent and url are different.
So when I put this code, it does not work
$doc =& JFactory::getDocument();
<input type='hidden' name='page_title' id='page_title' value='<?php echo $doc->getTitle(); ?>' />

Max_admin 26 Jan, 2015
Please try to ask the Flexicontent dev how you can get the current article's/item title from a plugin, then you can use that code in your form.

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
mfe13260 26 Jan, 2015
Thank you Max, I'll ask them.
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