
Combine two of your demo forms

gnutello 10 Jan, 2015
Hi, I'm trying to create a contact form with an embedded file-upploder. I was able to do it with Chronoform4 but I have found in Chronoform5 a lot of important and interesting changes to study on the documentation. To develop my form faster (unfortunately I have a little time to do it) my idea is that would be possible to combine two of your demo-forms: demo-file-upload with demo-basic-contact-captcha. You think it is possible?
Thank you.
GreyHead 11 Jan, 2015
Hi gnutello,

There is no way to combine the two forms but you can make a copy of the demo-file-upload and add a Captcha to it.

gnutello 11 Jan, 2015
Thank you Grey, ok...
I need to develop a contact form with 2 fields for the email address (the 2nd is for the email control) + a file uploader. I was able to do that with Chronoform 4 in joomla 2.5. I sincronized the 2 email fields using the "Custom server side validation" action in which I tiped in the PHP code for the two email addresses verification and for the message in case of errors.
I am stucked to this step. In Chronoform5+J.3 I think that I have to do the same using "server validation" action but this action is changed a lot from the old "Custom server side validation" action.
Have you any idea where I have to tipe my PHP code to configure the action for the verification of the correspondance between the two emails and for the message in case of errors?
Many thanks.
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