
Chronoform V5 form variables

NickOg 06 Jan, 2015

I have at last begun to convert my site from V4 to V5. In V4 I referenced some of the form variables..
For example
<h1>hook <?php echo $form->form_name;?></h1>

I gather that they have changed in V5 to
<h1>hook <?php echo $form->form['Form']['title'];?></h1>

Is there some table, tutorial or whatever that shows the equivalent V5 to V4 form variables?


GreyHead 07 Jan, 2015
Hi Nick,

There is no list that I know of, though Max might have one,

The two main changes are the form name which you have listed and uploaded file info is now in $form->files.

If I need something I usually add a Custom code action to dump the $form object and then hunt for what I need
echo'<div>$form: '.print_r($form, true).'</div>';

NickOg 10 Jan, 2015
Thanks Bob
NickOg 14 Jan, 2015
Hi Bob,

OK - I am convinced. ChronoConnectivity is the go!

Is there an equivalent to $form->data in Connectivity? If so, what? I am not sure if I need it but just in case

lightbulb Of course - $Connection! I will leave it here in case anyone else wonders.

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