
Double drop-down with Ajax - example form?

NickOg 06 Jan, 2015

I am struggling with Double drop-down with Ajax. Can you point me to a V4 demo form and/or clarify something for me, please? I have been following Bob's FAQ without success (is that 'x' in Extra Options still needed?)

From a single table I need to extract a list of office staff who have accepted membership applications and the dates on which they accepted applications. Then, on submit, the form needs to list the receipts for the selected office member and date again from the same table.

To do that I
[list]Add a drop down control - njjoidinpReceivedBy - that will hold a list of office staff[/list]
[list]Add a drop down control - njjoidinpReceivedOn- that will hold a list of the dates on which the office staff accepted an application[/list]
[list]In the on load event add a multi record control to load a list of office staff (select distinct `payReceivedBy`_ who have received applications. That successfully loads the drop down njjoidinpReceivedBy[/list]
[list]In the on load event add a Dynamic drop down that references an event ajaxGetReceivedBy, passing the id of the two controls njjoidinpReceivedBy & njjoidinpReceivedOn, and enabling AJAX[/list]
[list]Added a new event named ajaxGetReceivedBy[/list]
[list]In that event, ajaxGetReceivedBy, added a Multi record action using the key 'payReceivedBy' as the DB Field from the on load control[/list]

Is that broadly correct? That latter step should select a list of dates for the specific office staff. I can't seem to get any data out from that event. How do I know if that ajaxGetReceivedBy event has fired? should debug show some information there? It doesn't!

Just about stuck!๐Ÿ˜ถ :mrgreen:


NickOg 06 Jan, 2015
Maybe these images will show where I am stuck and what i have done. ๐Ÿ™„

NickOg 06 Jan, 2015
Missed one


Thanks Nick
Max_admin 06 Jan, 2015
Hi Nick,

v5 has a demo form included, why not use it for this form only ? you can install v5 on the same site and use it for this form. and keep other forms working on v4.

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
NickOg 06 Jan, 2015
OK - I really must bite the bullet and get started. ๐Ÿ˜€
Thanks Max
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