
what are urls for reCaptcha verification

WendyM 02 Jan, 2015
Hello, yes I know my Joomla is old but I have recently taken over our site and I need to get it working first before we can move to a new version.

I am having problems with chronocontact in that recaptcha is casing an error.

I think it is related to the Advanced tab on the recaptcha verification, but I can find nowhere that shows the current (google) URLS that need to be entered. If your recaptcha works please send me the correct advanced parameters:

Any help would be appreciated.

Advanced parameters
ReCaptcha server
ReCaptcha secure server
ReCaptcha verify server
GreyHead 03 Jan, 2015
Hi WendyM,

In the current version these are the URLs

API server:

API Secure server:

Verify server:

T34 02 Jun, 2015
Hi Bob,

I have modified URLs in ./component/com_chronocontact/plugins/cf_recaptcha.php on my Joomla 1.5.26 site to:

'api_server' => '',
        	'api_secure_server' => '',
        	'verify_server' => '',

and have enabled plugin "reCaptcha" in "Plugins" tab of my form, but there is only {ReCaptcha} world on frontend of my form. How to fix it?
GreyHead 02 Jun, 2015
Hi T34,

Hmmm It's a long time since I looked at that version of CF. You can change the server settings in the ReCaptcha plug-in configuration, you do not need to edit the code.

I built a test and got it working - at least to display the ReCaptcha - you need to edit the form, go to the Plug-ins tab and enable the plug-in - click the x and the bat should turn green

T34 02 Jun, 2015
Thanks Bob,

I have modified keys and connect it to my form.
I see reCaptcha, but it doesn't work on site. I get a message:

1. The reCAPTCHA wasn't entered correctly. Go back and try it again
( reCAPTCHA said: )
GreyHead 02 Jun, 2015
Hi T34,

I get the same - maybe something else has changed in the ReCaptcha setup.

T34 02 Jun, 2015
May be, Bob. But how to solve it?
GreyHead 02 Jun, 2015
Hi T34,

I don't know, the simplest solution is to not use ReCaptcha.

You are running an out of date version of ChronoForms on an out of date version of Joomla! I'm afraid that there will be problems in doing that. I simply do not have the time to try to debug this combination.

T34 02 Jun, 2015
Thanks Bob,

I need to use J1.5 because it's impossible to upgrade my site template t0 J2.5 or J3.😟
CF Captcha doesn't work, reCaptcha too.
So I'm looking for any solution for use my CF.
GreyHead 02 Jun, 2015
Hi T34,

Please see this FAQ - that should work on any version. You'll need to add Custom Code after Submit to check it though.

T34 02 Jun, 2015
Thanks Bob,

Where can I find "On Load event" field in form manager of CF3.2?
T34 02 Jun, 2015
Is it right to add code:

div#confirm_container_div {
  display: none;

to "Form Code / CSS Styles" and code:

if ( $form->data['confirm'] != '' ) {

to "Form Code / Form HTML"?

Also I can't to understand using FAQ what element I need to add with label etc. to "Form HTML".😟

I had a code for reCaptcha in "Form HTML":

<div class="form_item">
  <div class="form_element cf_recaptcha">
    <label class="cf_label" style="display: none;">Защитный код</label>
  <div class="cfclear"> </div>

What kind of code I need to include in "Form HTML" instead this "reCaptcha" code?

This new code will be clear?

<div class="form_item">
  <div class="form_element cf_recaptcha">
    <label class="cf_label" style="display: none;">reCaptcha</label>
  <div class="cfclear"> </div>
GreyHead 08 Jun, 2015
Hi T34,

I think that any HTML that includes {ReCaptcha} will work - ChronoForms just does a search and replace for that string.

T34 09 Jun, 2015
Thanks Bob!
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