
Form will not submit in front end, debugged no issues, url set to no HELP???

PerrinTech 29 Dec, 2014
so I a newbie to chronoforms......It is driving me crazy!!!

Its a fairly basic form and i have been trawling the forums for answers, have run the debugger, no issues, have turned the SEO friendly option off not working, have marked the URL relative thing to NO, still nothing 😢 I am starting to go a bit crazy now!!!

Form work perfectly in the test mode sends emails etc....

once you test it on the frontend it just reloads the page but still keeps the data in the fields and shows again!

site is

ANYONE'S assistance would be amazing!!!
GreyHead 31 Dec, 2014
Hi PerrinTech,

I just tested in Chrome and the form submitted correctly?

PerrinTech 04 Jan, 2015
Hi GreyHead,
For the life of me I couldn't figure out what was wrong with the form, so i started again using one of chronoforms templates to start with and went from there. It worked when i used the contact me form.

Thanks for your help anyway!!


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