
reworking old forms

jimwin 22 Dec, 2014
I set up some forms using Chrono a about 6 years ago, on V3 / J1.5, and I'm trying to migrate the site to J2.5 / J3 with Chrono V5.

I'm struggling with a few things, as I haven't looked at my 6 years old HTML or javascript since it went online, and the Chronoforms product has evolved a way since I started in V2.5 🙂

I was hoping I could just copy / paste my HTML into custom code, and add my javascript to a "Load JavaScript" under "setup", but I've spotted that my code that sets specific fields as hidden and disabled / enables the submit button doesn't get processed.

I think my code was looking at the document element before using:

I'm guessing this won't give me the correct element for a V5 form, can anyone suggest the correct element name?

Many thanks,
GreyHead 22 Dec, 2014
Hi Jim,

There have been quite a few changes from ChronoContact v3 to ChronoForms v5. One of them is that the form identifiers have changed - you can see the new values if you use View Source on the form page the id will be something like chronoform-my_form_name, the name is just my_form_name

jimwin 23 Dec, 2014
Thanks Bob,

helpful as always, I recall you gave me support back when I did the original work!

I've updated that, but still having a few issues.
The forms don't seem to be finding my JS functions, although they are visible when I view source.
Using the IE debugger, I'm getting 'function-name' not found, so it doesn't seem to be reading the correct section of the source.
Do I have to declare my functions any differently?
View Source is currently showing:
<script type="text/javascript">function function1(var1,var2)
{block of code}

Thanks again,
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