I set up some forms using Chrono a about 6 years ago, on V3 / J1.5, and I'm trying to migrate the site to J2.5 / J3 with Chrono V5.
I'm struggling with a few things, as I haven't looked at my 6 years old HTML or javascript since it went online, and the Chronoforms product has evolved a way since I started in V2.5 🙂
I was hoping I could just copy / paste my HTML into custom code, and add my javascript to a "Load JavaScript" under "setup", but I've spotted that my code that sets specific fields as hidden and disabled / enables the submit button doesn't get processed.
I think my code was looking at the document element before using:
I'm guessing this won't give me the correct element for a V5 form, can anyone suggest the correct element name?
Many thanks,
I set up some forms using Chrono a about 6 years ago, on V3 / J1.5, and I'm trying to migrate the site to J2.5 / J3 with Chrono V5.
I'm struggling with a few things, as I haven't looked at my 6 years old HTML or javascript since it went online, and the Chronoforms product has evolved a way since I started in V2.5 🙂
I was hoping I could just copy / paste my HTML into custom code, and add my javascript to a "Load JavaScript" under "setup", but I've spotted that my code that sets specific fields as hidden and disabled / enables the submit button doesn't get processed.
I think my code was looking at the document element before using:
I'm guessing this won't give me the correct element for a V5 form, can anyone suggest the correct element name?
Many thanks,